Our Mission: Provide BDC Solutions that Generate Profitable Appointment Revenue for Dealers
Your Needs:
If your problem is too many calls and not enough time to hire and train a team, we can solve that problem: our teams, our tools, your appointments in a virtual solution.
If your goal is to build a BDC team onsite and have a profitable BDC, we have the turn-key tools and leadership to help you achieve this objective.
If your staff lacks the consistent sharpness and skill level needed to consistently compete in today’s digital environment, we have the curriculum and the instructors that can grow your staff from anywhere online.
And if you’re looking for the play that changes the game, the information you didn’t know you didn’t know about operating your BDC profitably and productively, we are waiting to connect with you.
Meet some of the staff – NADA 2023

Team Traver at NADA 2020
Pictured with Ted Ings from CPI on left.
It’s 2021, time to take massive action! 
Call today: 855-891-0010
Email: sales@traverconnect.com
Website: www.traverconnect.com
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Our History:
In 1991, as a Director of Operations and Training for a large Midwest dealer group, John Traver believed the automotive industry desperately needed to update an outdated sales process. He saw the trend of change, more vehicles, more models, more money, and more educated customers about the buying process.
In this era and because of these changing trends, our Founder, John Traver, created the Business Development Center or BDC, for Automotive. The original model was built around simple and repeatable daily efforts that included a 90 minute BDC shift where salespeople would have concentrated time to invest in efforts that produced 3 scheduled appointments per day. Traver taught that if a salesperson scheduled 3 appointments daily, 2 would show, and one would “roll,” essentially making every salesperson a 20+ car per month producer. These 90 minutes consisted of receiving incoming sales calls (a reason to be in the BDC), make outbound calls for new appointments, and sign their “letters of correspondence,” which Traver believed was part of building good habits in good business people. The training they would receive focused on communication skills that met the needs of the modern-day customer. Salespeople learned the key questions, words, and phrases and incorporated them into their calls. These became predictable tools for salespeople to build confidence and convert calls into appointment business. The company grew quickly, and Traver was hired by manufacturers including Toyota, Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Land Rover, General Motors, Chrysler, Mazda, and NADA to speak to these timely BDC principles. The Traver legacy continues now three-plus decades later. While the “appointment-based business” culture still thrives today in over a dozen countries and even in many languages, the digital and connected world requires many changes in BDC’s traditional approach.
During those decades of refining Sales BDC solutions, the Service BDC concept was considered and tested.
The negative trend of service and sales retention, combined with the importance of service profitability has now ushered in the importance of a profitable Service BDC. Many dealers struggle to connect with all the opportunity in the service lane amid the stretched resources. Simply put, dealerships’ are undermanned and overwhelmed in service.
To formalize a “Service Specific” BDC solution in 2011, John created a new business entity called Traver Connect. It was borne directly of these unrelenting consumer opportunities. The team at Traver Connect is a familiar one to the BDC space, with John Traver as CEO, Bob Gower as COO, Rob Canales as VP of Product, and now the addition of Dan Halfman, who founded Marcom Technologies, which is believed to be the first call recording system used in the auto industry joining the team as a partner. We can assure you that our current Traver Connect BDC offerings will provide a solution for every size store and support all BDC models as outlined above.
Service BDC Video verbiage:
Hi, John Traver here at Traver Connect. Thanks for joining us on our service BDC video today.
If you’ve already partnered with us, we appreciate your partnership over these past years. If you’re new to us, we look forward to getting to hear your story and come alongside you relative to service BDCs.
When you hear the term service BDC, the first word for me it comes to mind is calls. That’s what really a service BBC is going to be built around, both inbound and outbound calls. Those calls are going to load your shop. It’s gonna drive your RO count and ultimately, it’s gonna tee up your next retail unit. One reason the service BC is so successful today, so important today, is it has a massive amount of opportunity in the form of those incoming calls. The cell phone changed everything, it’s increase the amount of calls to dealerships. As a result, we have to have a team of people centralized to take those calls. It’s always been busy in service but today when you ask dealers, they tell you they need help.
Michael Coleman, Dealer Principal, Coleman Chevrolet:
“With only three service writers, it’s virtually impossible for my service writers to load the shop effectively and efficiently in order to keep my shop full.”
The second thing I’d be thinking about if I were you, is what do my calls sound like? What is our statement of work in those calls? Are we asking for email, address, phone number? Do we use a time and mileage approach to make sure we’re pre-selling to any additional needs, or are we just order taking and then trying to take care of the customer when they get there and tell him we need the car all day?
So what you want to do, is establish a clear roadmap for how your calls are going to be handled. We’ll help you do that whether it’s virtually here through our BDC but we do it with your team at your dealership. so perhaps you’re like some dealers when they hear us talk about centralizing the calls here in Dallas Texas, they wonder what the call might sound like.
Michael Coleman, Dealer Principal, Coleman Chevrolet:
“One thing I like about Traver is that my customers feel as though they’re dealing with someone within my own store. I’ve had several customers come to my store and asked to speak to Chelsea when my people that realize Chelsea doesn’t work there she actually works in the call center in Dallas.”
Actual call:
Rep: “I have you scheduled for the recall was there anything else?”
Customer: “Let me tell you, you’re like to most professional person I’ve ever spoke to I think.”
Rep: “My pleasure, thank you.”
“Serious, I’m being completely serious, that was no, we don’t need anything else, that was great.”
Rep: “You have a wonderful day.”
Customer: “Ok,you’re doing a great job, you sound good on the phone. When I see Herb, I’ll tell him, you have a great person on the phone.”
We’re built for service BDC’s, 60,000 square feet of workstations and personnel trained to take inbound calls. There’s a handful of ways we can help you. We can help you with a virtual service BDC where we take your calls. We can help you with outbound campaigns, filling in those open spots in your schedule, turnkey, not just getting the customer to call but actually taking the call and loading in your scheduler.
Three, training for your business development manager, for your business development rep. How do they take these calls? We’ll bring them into our customer experience center if you’re a BDM or we’ll provide online training for those BDR’s.
Leadership education for you. You’re wondering, what are my KPIs? What should my staffing plan be? We can walk you through this in less than a day. And then tools, everything from texting mobile payments even in dealership software to help your BDRs. So hopefully you see we’re built for service BBC’s. This is what we do, not will we talk about. We hope to be talking you soon.