What we do:
FLEXIBLE PAYMENT PLAN: Offer your customers lower and easier payments to increase gross and sell more F&I products.
According to a US LABOR AND STATISTICS SURVEY in 2019, here is how workers are paid:
Weekly 33.8% BI-WEEKLY 42.2% SEMI MOTHLY 18.6% MONTHLY 5.4%
So why are we still focusing on presenting one payment, a monthly payment? Instead, offer them a payment plan that aligns with how they get paid while saving them time and money in the process!
How to get ahold of us:

Call Laura Berman
Business Line: 239-223-4364
Email: laura@rlbautomotive.com
What else can we help you with?
RECRUITING AND TRAINING: With more than 60 years between us in automotive sales and management, we know how frustrating it can be to hire new people. Face it, you don’t have the time, the tools or the experience to find, hire and train new candidates. Let us build you a team focused on growing revenue and lasting customer relationships. We will be your complete recruiting solution.